Case Management Survey

Your opinion is valuable to us and will help us improve our programs and services. Please take a moment to complete the survey and let us know how strongly you agree or disagree with the following questions about our Case Management services. Your identity and survey responses will remain anonymous.


Please enter the Group Code shown on the second page of the letter you received from Case Management acknowledging the completion of your program. The code should be listed at the top of the second page, below the name of your Case Manager.
Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly AgreeN/A
My Case Management Team was knowledgeable about my health situation.
My Case Management Team explained to me the importance of following up with my health care provider if needed.
My Case Management Team helped me with the program information and resources and connected me with someone when I had questions about my benefits.
The information provided to me by my Case Management Team was helpful in understanding my current condition.
This program has improved my ability to manage my health and reach my health goals.
I felt comfortable sharing my feelings and problems with my Case Management Team.
My Case Management Team treated me with courtesy and respect and cared about my health situation.
My Case Management Team paid attention to me and helped me with my problems.
When I needed help, my Case Management Team was available to me and follow up was timely.
Overall, I am satisfied with the services provided by my Case Management Team.
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